Introducing EclipseSource Developer Resources

October 11, 2012 | 3 min Read

One of the things I love about working at EclipseSource is that we get the opportunity to work on tools that help developers. Many of us were drawn to Eclipse because we could pitch-in and help-out with Eclipse development – meaning our efforts had a significant impact on other software developers.

While many of us contribute to different Eclipse projects, we also spend time working on little hacklets and other cool tools that make us more productive. Many of these tools are open sourced on GitHub, and you can see them all on our Developer Tools Portal Page.  Here is a brief summary of some of the tools:


Restfuse is a JUnit extension to test REST APIs on the integration test level. It introduces an annotation called @HttpTest which can be used for test methods to configure a request. Requests will be sent automatically before a test method will be executed to be able to just test the response within the test method.

Editor’s note: The Restfuse project is no longer maintained and has been archived. However, you can still access the sources on GitHub.


Yoxos is a service for sharing Eclipse configurations among team members. Yoxos contains over 1900 Eclipse Plugins. A Yoxos Profile is a description of an Eclipse install. It can be started with the Yoxos Launcher. The Yoxos Launcher will automatically download all the components and required dependencies and the plugins will be shared among all your Eclipse installs.

JSHint Eclipse Integration

jshint-eclipse integrates JSHint, a popular code quality checker for JavaScript, into the Eclipse IDE. This extension can be used to validate JavaScript files in Eclipse. Every problem found by JSHint is represented by a warning marker. The Problems view in Eclipse provides an overview of all problems found in a particular project.

The OSGi JAX-RS Connector

JAX-RS (JSR 311) is the community-driven Standard for building RESTful web services with Java. The reference implementation for JAX-RS is Jersey and ships as OSGi bundles. This project connects Jersey and OSGi at the service level. This means that OSGi services can be published as RESTful web services by simply registering them as OSGi services ;).

A missing p2 repository? (osgi-additionals)

If you develop OSGi application with Eclipse you find yourself often searching for OSGi-ified Libraries in the Eclipse Orbit or in the SpringSource Bundle Repository. The result of such a search is often that the Library does not exist or is very old. Within this little project we provide a small p2 repository with often used libraries as OSGi bundles.

Eclipse Tycho - Apache Karaf Bridge

When using Eclipse you do manifest-first development. This means you manage your dependencies directly in the MANIFEST.MF file. For this reason you probably want to use a build system like Eclipse Tycho which supports this style of development. Sadly, Tycho can only produce artifacts consumable by Eclipse technologies. This creates a problem: how to get an Apache Karaf consumable artifact from a Tycho build? The Answer is this little Maven Plugin for creating Karaf Archives out of a p2 repository.


Shows the differences between two p2 repositories. Depending on the usage options, the tool can show a deep compare between the IUs, or simply list the IUs that have changed between two different revisions of the repository.

Checkout our full developer tools resources page or browse our entire developer portal, which includes blogs, tutorials and training materials.

Ian Bull

Ian Bull

Ian is an Eclipse committer and EclipseSource Distinguished Engineer with a passion for developer productivity.

He leads the J2V8 project and has served on several …