Selected References
Here is a small selection of our customer references. Find out what our customers are saying about us.

Logi.cals GmbH
Logi.cals has developed a powerful and high-end Eclipse-based engineering platform for creating controller applications in industrial automation. More recently, logi.cals is also porting their full-featured IDE into the cloud with Eclipse Theia, LSP, and GLSP. EclipseSource is proud to be partner of logi.cals supporting their development team in the adoption and customization of several open-source technologies, such as Eclipse Theia, Xtext and LSP, GLSP, as well as the Eclipse rich-client platform and the C/C++ development tools (CDT).
“For several years now, we have been successfully carrying out highly innovative development projects together with the EclipseSource team. Right from the start, we were impressed not only by the enormous expertise available at EclipseSource, but also by their willingness and ability to efficiently acquaint themselves with new topics. This coupled with an exceptional degree of reliability and outstanding quality in the result is a combination that is rarely found in this form. We look forward to continuing our collaboration with Dr. Philip Langer and his developers.”
Heinrich Steininger
CTO, Logi.cals GmbH

Founded in 1994, ETAS GmbH is a wholly owned subsidiary of Robert Bosch GmbH, represented in twelve countries in Europe, North and South America and Asia. ETAS’ portfolio includes vehicle basic software, middleware, development tools, cloud-based operations services, cybersecurity solutions, and end-to-end engineering and consulting services for the realization of software-defined vehicles. Our product solutions and services enable vehicle manufacturers and suppliers to develop, operate, and secure differentiating vehicle software with increased efficiency.
“In the context of our product ASCET–developed in the Eclipse tech stack–we are dealing with usage of the various complex eclipse frameworks and especially the EMF modelling framework. The EclipseSource team is a strong partner in consulting us to better master the complexity of the frameworks. The expertise of the EclipseSource consultants helped us to get the most out of the frameworks to satisfy our customer needs. EclipseSource is a trustful and reliable partner, delivering fast and high-quality results – It is fun to work this way!”
Maximilian Ost
Product Field Architect, ETAS GmbH

“We are very happy with the way it’s going. The EclipseSource teams consists of great developers, very accessible and helpful. I would estimate that we are advancing the project around - just as a guess - 4 times as fast thanks to the support and input from EclipseSource.”
Patrick Vale

Synergy is Western Australia’s largest electricity generator and retailer of gas and electricity with more than one million residential, business, and industry customers. STARS is Synergy’s Wholesale Electricity and Fuel Trading and Contract Management System supporting day-to-day electricity and gas trading. It also manages gas pipeline flows and imbalances, and coal deliveries and stockpiles as well as supporting the back office with monthly reconciliations and invoicing. While initially developed for RCP it has been successfully ported to Eclipse RAP to allow for the cloud instead of desktop deployment.
We approached EclipseSource to help us in adding missing features in the open-source Eclipse RAP port of the Nebula Grid widget. Multi-cell selection in browser tables (with keyboard, mouse, and API’s), the possibility to configure and show row headers, and clipboard support (read/write) were of significant importance to us. Under the Sponsored Development contract, we successfully added the required functionalities to our application. With its 3.13 and 3.14 releases, the features are now fully integrated into the Eclipse RAP open-source project and can be used by any developer.
“This was the first time we engaged and worked with EclipseSource and it turned out to be a very positive experience. All agreed milestones were met, any problems identified were fixed in a timely manner, and all interactions were prompt, friendly, and professional. We were kept regularly informed about the progress made and given access to early versions for testing which made for a very smooth path to the final product.”
Manuel Mall
Senior Applications Developer, Synergy

Allianz has developed and deployed a comprehensive Eclipse-based insurance solution and customer relationship management platform for its customers, insurance agents and agencies. Today the solution is used by various insurance companies in Austria, Germany and Switzerland. The EclipseSource team was invited to help find ways to improve the usability and performance of the application, as well as optimizing future developments.
The application suite, with implementations representing about 100 million contracts, is a central IT service that provides content, as well as organizational and technical support in a comprehensive and flexible design. It provides a central interface for customers, agents and brokers, integrating marketing, sales and services functions. The application is built and deployed using Eclipse Runtime technologies on both the client and the server.
“The EclipseSource consultants have a keen understanding of both the technical and business aspects of the Eclipse platform. We were able to discover improvements on the technical side, from creating builds to re-architecting our workbench. We also formed a path forward where we can leverage interaction in the Eclipse community for our own needs. I would estimate that in a few short days we’ve saved manifold our investment. We’ve improved the efficiency of our Eclipse-based insurance application and how we will manage and maintain it in the future. We’re now in an even better position to take on additional enhancements to the project.”
Thomas Tik

Condat AG
I would like to thank you and your team once again for the RAP technical support provided to our project. I am very pleased with the results, which I can largely credit to the maturity of the Rich Ajax Platform (RAP). It is an excellent product and I can recommend it today as a complete solution.
Ingo Mohr
[Editor’s note: RichAjax Platform (RAP) has since been rebranded as the Remote Application Platform.]

Yoxos Enterprise streamlines provisioning for our development team of over 200 users. It improves reliability of thetool environments for our teams and reduces development time. We have just renewed our subscription for another year.
Frederic Mockel
EnBW, Energie Baden-Württemberg AG

As a CEO getting his company up to speed on Eclipse I needed to provide my CTO and technical team with expert support as they explored what is a new technology for us.
Using EclipseSource to provide my CTO with trusted senior Eclipse expertise and technical answers meant that our team was able to come up to speed faster on Eclipse-based technologies and be much more confident in making decisions.
Oliver E. Cole

Strategic thoughts on RCP / RAP
Why is single-sourcing RCP / RAP something unique? When I entered the world of web development 15 years ago I was fundamentally unhappy with the software development model. Paged-based approaches had me so frustrated that I tried three times to develop my own framework, with the goal of creating an interface to both worlds. Each time I had to stop and recognize that the technology was not yet ready. With the introduction of RAP in 2007, for the first time, we had a technology that was based on an accepted UI-Framework, in this case SWT.
In the next phase of product development in 2008, the case was sealed. It seemed too good to be true - that a small UI team of 6 people could develop one code base, with identical features and bugs, for an application deployed on the desktop and web. But this was the case. And we can say with certainty that in spite of small weaknesses - which are in every framework, and are outweighed by the advantages - that RAP is stable, that you can build products with it and that these products sell. Moreover, the development team can focus almost entirely on domain issues instead of technical implementation problems arising from library incompatibilities.
Paul Petershagen
CTO, Vitaphone GmbH
For more information or a complete set of references:
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