Support for the inception phase

In the inception phase of a project, many important technology decisions are made. When using open source technologies, not only the technical viability has to be considered. Project activity and long-term sustainability also have to be taken into account. Typically, knowledge about specific open source components is rare in project teams. EclipseSource experts provide you with multi-year experiences in applying a variety of Eclipse open source technologies and will assist you with making the right decisions.

Our support packages can be used for workshops, scheduled remote coaching sessions, code reviews and supporting technology evaluations during the inception phase of your project.

Additionally, our standardized training course program helps your team gain missing knowledge during the inception of your project.

Support for the development phase

When a development team is using new technologies, typically a lot of questions arise in day to day development. The questions range from how to use a particular API to finding the optimal architecture for the implementation of a new feature. Sometimes you also discover missing functionality or bugs in the open source components.

Our services for the development phase include remote support for answering questions and fixing of bugs in the supported open source components. We also provide you with blueprint implementations for more complex topics. Finally, you can get missing features implemented in Open Source – we call this part of our developer support sponsored development.

Support for the maintenance phase

Once a system is deployed, the primary focus is on ensuring that the software runs smoothly while keeping the number of changes as low as possible to avoid regression. Supporting current operating systems, runtime environments like JVMs and Browsers, and integrating security fixes are top priorities.



  • Workshop(s)1
  • Remote Support1
  • Sponsored Development1
  • Support time
    16-24 hours
  • Support period2
    3 months
  • Guaranteed monthly availability3
    1-8 hours
  • Response time4
    1 business day
  • Designated contacts
    1 person
  • Communication
    Web, email, phone, screenshare
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  • Workshop(s)1
  • Remote Support1
  • Sponsored Development1
  • Support time
    204-268 hours
  • Support period2
    12 months
  • Guaranteed monthly availability3
    8-40 hours
  • Response time4
    1 business day
  • Designated contacts
    3 persons
  • Communication
    Web, email, phone, screenshare
Book now

(1) Limited by the available Support Time. Support can be requested by any of your Designated Client Contacts.
(2) Unused Support Time expires after the end of the Support Period.
(3) We guarantee that our experts will be available each month for the given hours. Unused guaranteed monthly availability hours will still be charged.
(4) Expected response time. Maximum response time is 3 business days. Business hours for our office are Monday to Friday 09:00-17:00 CET, excluding German holidays.