First impressions of Apple's Swift programming language
Apple Swift logo is a trademark of Apple Inc. Apple introduced the Swift programming language at its wwdc14 event yesterday. I spent some time digging through the language documentation. Here are my …
Git Partial Staging in Eclipse
When committing changes to your source control system, it’s considered good practice to only resolve a single task with each commit. There are several advantages to this approach: The history reads …
Tabris 1.4 Preview: Pull to Refresh
We are working at full steam on the new features for Tabris 1.4 which we will release on June 26th. One of those features is Pull to Refresh. The mechanics of this feature are simple and have already …
Configure Problem Severity in Eclipse
I’ve been using Eclipse for over 10 years now but today I discovered something new. You can configure problem severity directly from the problem markers themselves. Let me explain through the use of …
RAP and Accessibility / Screen Reader
As I mentioned in my previous post about RAP and Selenium, EclipseSource offers a commercial Add-On that adds WAI-ARIA support to RAP. While we use it mainly for UI-Tests, that’s not really the …
OSGi JAX-RS Connector 4.0 released
Today we are proud to release the OSGi JAX-RS Connector 4.0. A lot has happened since the 3.3 release back in March 2014. This post will give you an overview of the new and noteworthy things included …