
Accessibility in Diagram Editors with Eclipse GLSP

In an exciting collaboration with Dr. Dominik Bork and master student Aylin Sarioglu at the Business Informatics Group at Vienna University, we’ve achieved a new pivotal capability in GLSP 2.0: an …

Eclipse GLSP 2: Elevating Web-based Diagram Editors

We are excited to announce the recent release of Eclipse GLSP 2! This new major release marks a significant advancement in the domain of web-based diagram editors offering an impressive array of new …

Running Eclipse Theia without a backend

When hosting cloud-based tools and IDEs, backend efficiency and cost-effectiveness are a key consideration. We are excited to present an ongoing development in the Eclipse Theia project that not only …

Hosting IDEs and tools online - lessons learned

The transition to cloud-based tools and IDEs is reshaping the landscape of software development. However, the details of hosting tools and IDEs online present unique challenges. If you’re considering …

CDT Cloud Blueprint: Tracing with TraceCompass Cloud

In the world of C/C++ development, especially when doing performance tuning, tracing plays a pivotal role. CDT Cloud Blueprint, the web-based C/C++ development environment, provides advanced Tracing …

The Choice of an IDE and Tool Platform: Eclipse Theia vs. Code OSS

Building custom tools and IDEs are strategic and long term investments. Choosing the right platform for building custom tools and IDEs is a critical decision for stakeholders. To aid in this crucial …