Announcing J2V8 4
After over a year of development, I am very excited to announce that J2V8 4 is publicly available on all supported platforms. J2V8 is a set of V8 bindings for Java. This means that you can embed V8 …
Running Node.js on the JVM
Gone are the days of single vendor lock-in, where one technology stack is used across an entire organization. Even small organizations and hobbyists will find themselves mixing technologies in a …
JSON Schema - the good, the bad and the ugly
In the last years we have been heavily using JSON Schema, a web standard to describe JSON instances/your data in web applications. For example in the JSONForms project we make heavy use of JSON …
Keyed-Hash Message Authentication Code in REST APIs
REST APIs that serve their content via HTTP have limited options for authentication. One of these is request signing. With a little bit of custom specification the standard approach HMAC can be …
EclipseSource Oomph Profile: Updated to Neon
Eclipse Neon was successfully released on June 22nd. Neon provides better performance and a variety of improvements. Therefore, we recommend to always update the IDE to the newest version. We updated …
EMF Forms and EMF Client Platform 1.9.0 released!
We are happy to announce that together with Neon, we have released EMF Forms and EMF Client Platform 1.9.0! We want to thank all committers and contributors for their work as well as the active …