Looking for students, looking for ideas
As everyone should now know, the application process for Google Summer of Code is well underway. Students are actively putting together their proposals and mentors are busy giving feedback and helping …
OSGi Tool Summit Recap
Last Friday, March 27th, Jeff McAffer and I attended the OSGi Tool Summit graciously hosted by LinkedIn: There were many topics discussed, here are the big ones in my opinion: Repositories Now that we …
Replacing the Perspective-Switcher in RCP apps
For simple RCP Applications the Perspective-Switcher widget that ships with Eclipse is overloaded and cumbersome to use. We are going to get rid of it and replace it with an equivalent menu and/or …
Riena article on DZone
As a Riena committer, it’s always nice to see people taking interest in Riena. Feedback at EclipseCon has been very positive. I was also impressed by RedView - a UI-generator based on EMF and Riena, …
Calling all students
This week should be “Go Time” for all students. This is the week students from across the globe are submitting their applications for Google Summer of Code. Students, you have until this Friday (April …
Check out the Eclipse project dashboard
EclipseCon was quite a blast, lots of amazing talks, some very engaging keynotes and loads of interesting people to meet. One of the neat things about having everyone in one place is that the …