Java One - Good looking apps with RAP
If you are at JavaOne, drop by the Eclipse Foundation (Mo 5-7pm, Tu 11:30-1-30) or EclipseSource booths (all week) for a demo of the Rich Ajax Platform (RAP). In my demos, I’ll focus on the CSS …
Eclipse 3.5 RC3 is out!
Good news, we’re even closer to having Eclipse 3.5 released! Eclipse 3.5 RC3 is out for download (or update via p2). There are no new features out in this release, as feature freeze has passed. There …
p2 Metadata Analyzer
Never judge a man until you have walked a mile in his shoes. This advice can be applied to the art of writing software. At a high-level software seems so easy, but when you start working on a project, …
PDE's Automated Management of Dependencies
I have been working with the upcoming Equinox OSGi book authors quite a bit as of late. They are a demanding bunch, but they have helped me improve PDE’s OSGi tooling while they write and exercise …
Eclipse 3.5 RC1 is out!
Good news, we are one step closer to having Eclipse 3.5 released! Eclipse 3.5 RC1 is out for download (or update via p2). There are no new features out in this release, as feature freeze has passed. …
Eclipse, SAP and Project Pave
A new project proposal came through my inbox this morning. The Pave project is a proposed open source project under the Eclipse Web Tools Platform Project. The Pave project provides a framework for …