Eclipse Embedded Day 2009
Eclipse Embedded Day happens this week on June 25th, 2009, just a day after the Eclipse Galileo release. What is Eclipse Embedded Day? Well, it’s a day long event for people in the automotive, …
Improved Target Platform Management, Eclipse Galileo Feature #3
Software development can be characterized by the management of two separate, yet equally important groups of artifacts. The source code you write and the libraries you depend on. Much of our …
Mylyn WikiText, Eclipse Galileo Feature #4
As I mentioned yesterday, tools such as the Memory Analyzer demonstrates just how dominant Eclipse is in the IDE space. And while Eclipse has many useful tools, nothing has changed the face of the IDE …
Memory Analyser, Eclipse Galileo Feature #5
With all the great work going on in the Eclipse Run-time space, like the EMF Runtime, RAP, Birt Charting Engine, ECF, Jetty and of course Equinox, I sometimes forget that Eclipse started as an …
Install into Self, Eclipse Galileo Feature #6
As readers of my blog are no doubt aware, I have been counting down the Top 10 Galileo features that I’m most excited about. Galileo is the name of this years “Eclipse Release Train”, the simultaneous …
Portland Galileo DemoCamp - ECF slides
As Elias and Darin already blogged, there was a memorable DemoCamp session in Portland Wednesday night. Thanks to Instantiations for organizing and hosting. The ECF slides for this are available on …