e4 0.9 M5 is Now Available
e4 0.9M5 is now available for download. One of the things that excites me about this work is the web based form editors that Boris Bokowski has been working on. The form editors have always tried to …
Testing hard to test code with EasyMock
If you are into unit testing, you may find EasyMock quite useful. It is very valuable for making hard-to-test-code testable. For example I recently was adding tab-switching via keyboard to Riena. The …
A Zesty Summer
On Canada’s west coast we have been having an unbelievable summer. While the sunshine (and the beach) have a tendency to lure me away from my computer, there has been so much Eclipse activity this …
PDE Build Compile Errors
Yesterday I spent the day working on examples of how PDE Build can be used to build OSGi bundles. I was setting up builders, copying files from my workspace to my builder, and running builds. Early in …
EPP Download Wizard
Previously, I blogged about the current state of the Eclipse Packaging Project (EPP) Wizard. I have good news, the EPP wizard is now officially available. The wizard has been embedded in our own …
OSGi, Eclipse and API Management
Recently, a few people have come to me ask how Eclipse maintains its API and versions. The intent of this question was to see what lessons there are to be learned for other OSGi-based applications. If …