Single-Sourcing with declarative services
In my last blog post I introduced the idea of using OSGi services for single sourcing a RAP/RCP application. I think this approach is quite elegant, but it has one major drawback. When you use normal …
Looking at Git Statistics
It’s interesting to see how Eclipse projects change over time. As projects ramp up, hit heavy development and finally start to mature, the flurry of activity changes. Git makes it very easy to pull …
Target provisioning with Yoxos
Some of you may have seen Yoxos 5 at EclipseCon 2011. For those who aren’t familiar with it, Yoxos 5 is a tool that enables the creation of a profile that describes your Eclipse installation. Another …
Uploading files with RAP 1.4
One of the new things in RAP 1.4 is the FileUpload widget in RWT, that replaces the old Upload widget from the sandbox. And there’s some more new upload stuff in the RAP Incubator. Here’s how to use …
Yoxos: A Whole New Way to EPP
The Eclipse Packaging Project defines pre-configured Eclipse distributions. If you are developing in C/C++ there’s a package for that. If you need to create RCP applications there’s a package for …
On Time and On Budget
As you may know I live on the Canadian west coast (In Victoria British Columbia). We are 3 hours behind Easter Time, which means that the Eclipse release was supposed to happen at 6:00am for me. I …