Modeling Symposium Submission Deadline
Hi, Ed and I are organizing the Modeling Symposium for EclipseCon North America (see here). Thank you for all the interesting submissions so far. To notify people early enough about the acceptance of …
Tabris - iOS and Android apps written in Java
Industry experts have predicted that mobile computing is going to have a huge impact on the software industry. I agree. That’s why we asked ourselves if OSGi, RAP and Eclipse RT can help overcome some …
Lending a hand with the Eclipse SDK
Shipping Eclipse each year is a lot of work. The SDK contains code from 3 Top level projects (Eclipse, RT and Tools (Orbit)). There are 4+ Products (Platform, JDT, PDE , Equinox + Releng) and close to …
Javascript validation with JSHint in Eclipse
Besides all the Java code in the RAP project, we also have more than 250 JavaScript files which total up to 75k lines of code. For such an amount of code, you should have some kind of code analysis …
OSGi JAX-RS connector: Publishing REST services
In a recent blog post Peter Kriens commented that the OSGi service model is as important as object-orientation. I feel the same - I don’t want to write software without this concept anymore. But for …
Continuous Integration Tests for REST APIs with Maven, Jetty and restfuse
Editor’s note: The Restfuse project is no longer maintained and has been archived. However, you can still access the sources on GitHub. As you might know from previous posts, most of my work time has …