Eclipse 4 Applications on RAP
Eclipse 4 is the new platform for application development in Eclipse. We already succeeded to run e4 applications on RAP two years ago, but then we got sidetracked by other efforts. Now that Eclipse …
Tabris 0.6.1 – New and Noteworthy
It’s time for a comprehensive update after the well received Tabris 0.6 release. This time we not only provide the usual set of bugfixes and performance improvements after a .0 release, we’ve also …
EclipseCon Europe 2012 Submissions
The deadline for EclipseCon Europe early bird submissions is approaching (July 15th). Before the submission deadline, the program committee will pre-select a short list of their favorite talks and …
Reducing CouchDB disk space consumption
Apache CouchDB offers high availability, excellent throughput and scalability. These goals were achieved using immutable data structures - but they have a price: disk space. CouchDB was designed under …
Github everywhere with venture funding?
Github has announced a Series A round of venture funding today. They are taking 100 million USD from Andreessen Horowitz - and at least the first part of the name should be familiar to software …
Building lightweight in memory caches with Google Guava - no more putIfAbsent
I can’t count the number of times I found myself implementing some sort of cache. In many situations caching is really useful e.g. when the computation of a value is expensive or when loading of …