Visualize your project with Gource
Developing software is a pretty abstract job. In many cases you don’t really “see” what’s happening. Once a developer has completed a task, she/he sends some bits to the SCM and starts the next one. …
RAP 2.0 M3 is available
The RAP team has been working hard over the last weeks and made another milestone build for RAP 2.0 available today. RAP 2.0 M3 contains a brand new event system implementation that allowed us to get …
Recently I started working at a headless client for RAP 2.0 with the following aims: Allow functional testing of RAP/RWT applications. Allow stress testing of RAP/RWT applications, working together …
Hack'n Eclipse
Today I travelled from Victoria B.C. to Vancouver B.C. to attend the Eclipse Hack-a-thon. It was a great event and I met some really interesting people. I also had a chance to catch up with some old …
Eclipse RAP on Windows 8: First Impressions
Along with the release of Windows 8 also came the new Internet Explorer 10. (It has not yet been released for Windows 7.) While IE9 was an impressive (but overdue) technical improvement over IE8, IE10 …
Eclipse November DemoCamp Munich
This year we are again very happy to be hosting an Eclipse November DemoCamp in Munich. However, we are cheating a little, because it will be on December 5th. So let’s call it the Christmas DemoCamp: …