How to use multiple browser tabs in your RAP 2.1 Application
You can now download RAP 2.1 M2, the final milestone of RAP before the 2.1 (Kepler) release in June. This milstone adds quite a few nice features like bézier curves for Canvas, background-position and …
EMF Dos and Don´ts #8
EMF is a very powerful framework and with power comes…responsibility. You can achieve great things with a minimum of effort using EMF, but if something goes wrong, you can also spend hours trying to …
Firefox OS Peak - First Impressions (Part 1)
On April 23rd, the Firefox OS developer preview phones became available in Europe - and were sold out in a few hours. The demand was so overwhelming that the supplier geeksphone had to shut down …
Eclipse Kepler Milestone 7, available for download
Spring has certainly sprung on the west coast of Canada, and that means we are into the Eclipse Kepler endgame. Milestone 7 is the last Kepler milestone before we start rolling out release candidates …
How high can you raise the bar?
You have read the books. You are a clean coder. You know your language, your tools and libraries and you know exactly what matters: Well crafted software, steadily adding value, and of course you are …
State of the Android Gradle Build System
Building an Android project can be challenging at times. The Android SDK ships with a set of helpful ant scripts, but has its shortcomings. It mainly lacks a well-populated dependency infrastructure …