Remediation Support, Top Eclipse Kepler Feature #2
In one week, on June 26th 2013, Eclipse Kepler will ship. To prepare for the release I’m counting down the Top 10 most interesting features according to me. Number 2 on my list is close to my heart – …
RAP 2.x, Top Eclipse Kepler Feature #4
As we approach the release of Eclipse Kepler, I’m counting down the Top 10 Features I’m most excited about. Number 4 on my list is RAP 2.x. Powerful, stable and well thought-out APIs is a common theme …
I always wanted to write a blog post with a title consisting of just acronyms and numeronyms - here it is! Obviously, this post is about internationalizing web applications based on the Eclipse Remote …
Is SWT Ready for the Years to Come?
With all of the current mobile and desktop operating systems we use all day, most users expect a great deal from an application user interface. People take things like animated transitions, …
Maven and Eclipse, Top Eclipse Kepler Feature #5
The Eclipse Kepler release is just over 1 week away, and to help celebrate the release I’m counting down the Top 10 Kepler Features I’m most excited about. Number 5 on my list is the much improved …
Drawing Complex Shapes in RAP
In RAP 1.3, we added support for GC (Graphics Context) to the canvas widget. It allows you to draw simple shapes such as lines, squares, ovals or arcs, and fill them with solid colors or gradients. …