Call for Submissions: Modeling Symposium EclipseCon Europe 2013
I am happy to announce that Ed, Eugen and I are organizing the Modeling Symposium for EclipseCon Europe 2013. It is scheduled for the first day of the conference, i.e., Tuesday, October 29th. The …
Welcome back NoClassDefFoundError in the Eclipse IDE
Situation 1: “Dad, where is my yellow road roller?” - “Let me see, son..” Looks around. “I have no idea. Are you sure you didn’t leave it at grandmas?” Situation 2: “Dad, where is my green …
Eclipse 4 (e4) Tutorial: Services
In the last two parts of my Eclipse 4 (e4) tutorial, I described details about the dependency injection. One object type that is typically injected in Eclipse 4 is services. Services play a central …
Introducing RAP AutoSuggest
A while ago we started a new RAP Incubator project, the DropDown widget. This is basically a List widget that can be attached to a text field, like the pop-up of a combo box. In itself this widget …
Recently we released EMFStore 1.0.0 and made it available for download and installation. Using the tutorial “Getting Started with EMFStore”, you can set up a demo client and server very fast. Based on …
RAP 2.2M1 published, ClientScripting changes
The first milestone of RAP 2.2 has been published last Friday. It’s main attraction is the RWT Scripting feature which was formerly known as the incubator “ClientScripting” project. If you are …