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Git Improvements, Top Eclipse Feature Luna #3
Eclipse release week is here and Eclipse Luna will be available on Wednesday June 25th. Eclipse release week also means that we are into the Top 3 Eclipse Features on my traditional Eclipse Top 10 …
Dark Theme, Top Eclipse Luna Feature #5
When Eclipse 3.0 shipped in 2004 it brought a new look to the workbench. Now, 10 years later, an entirely new Dark Theme is launching. Eclipse Luna will ship in less than a week and to help mark the …
Even fancier RAP Tables with Templates & native CSS
In RAP 2.2 we introduced the Row Templates feature, which allows you to layout the cells of table rows in different ways than just in columns. In RAP 2.3 we improve on this a bit by allowing not just …
SnipMatch, Top Eclipse Luna Feature #4
Code Recommenders is one of the most exciting and innovative plug-ins available for Eclipse. With standard content-assist, Eclipse will show you all the method calls, variables uses, template options, …
Tabris 1.4 Preview: Spinning ProgressBar on Android
The days until the upcoming Tabris 1.4 release are numbered and we have another nice addition to share with you. A ProgressBar can be configured to be indeterminate, which puts it in a never-ending …
EMF Forms Joins the Eclipse Release Train!
We are happy to announce that EMF Forms (and the parent project EMF Client Platform) joins the Eclipse Luna release train and will be available as part of the Eclipse Modeling Tools package. As we are …