EclipseSource Blogs
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EMF Forms and EMF Client Platform 1.17.0 released!
We are happy to announce that with the Photon release train, we have also shipped EMF Forms and EMF Client Platform 1.17.0! We want to thank our continuously active team of 10 contributors (40 …
Eclipse Insight on Building Modeling Tools in Munich on September 3rd
We are happy to announce the first Eclipse Insight on Building Modeling Tools in Munich, on September 3rd (5.30 pm - 9 pm), registration see here. What is an Eclipse Insight? Eclipse DemoCamps in …
What is Eclipse Theia?
In this article, we provide an overview about Eclipse Theia, an open source platform for building web- and cloud-based IDEs and domain-specific tools. We describe the basic features of Theia and …
Web-based vs. desktop-based Tools
It is clear that there is an ongoing excitement surrounding web-based IDEs and tools, e.g. Eclipse Che, Eclipse Theia, Visual Studio Code, Atom or Eclipse Orion. If you attended recent presentations …
Connecting the PicoCluster to your MacBook
I have started writing about my experiences with Kubernetes and the PicoCluster. The PicoCluster is a set of inexpensive boards (10 Rock64 boards in my case), housed in a single cluster with a network …
Propagation and Pagination with Promises
GitHub API for querying users & repositories In this article, we will look how we used the GitHub API for querying users and repositories of an organization. In particular, we will look at how …