EclipseSource Blogs
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How to create/develop an Eclipse Theia IDE plugin
This article provides an overview on how to develop a Eclipse Theia plugin and thereby extend the Theia IDE with new and custom features. Please note that there are two ways of extending Eclipse …
EMF Forms and EMF Client Platform 1.24.0 released!
We are happy to announce that with the Eclipse Release 2020-03, we have also shipped EMF Forms and EMF Client Platform 1.24.0! All closed tickets in 1.24.0 can be found on and all “test” …
Eclipse Theia - FAQ
In this article we´ll answer the most frequently asked questions about Eclipse Theia, the open source platform for building web- and cloud-based IDEs and Tools. This article provides an overview, …
EclipseSource Oomph Profile - updated to 2019-12
This week, Eclipse 2019-12 has been released, a new version of the Eclipse IDE and platform. The new release contains a lot of useful improvements and includes Java 13 support. Holger Voormann …
EMF Forms and EMF Client Platform 1.23.0 released!
We are happy to announce that with the Eclipse Release 2019-12, we have also shipped EMF Forms and EMF Client Platform 1.23.0! EMF Forms continues to be one of the most active projects at Eclipse with …
Do you want to build a web-based modeling tool? Do you know the Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) and want to use its benefits in the browser? Do you want to migrate an existing EMF-based tool to the …