EclipseSource Blogs

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Eclipse RAP on Windows 8: First Impressions

Tim Buschtoens

Along with the release of Windows 8 also came the new Internet Explorer 10. (It has not yet been released for Windows 7.) While IE9 was an impressive (but overdue) technical improvement over IE8, IE10 …

Eclipse November DemoCamp Munich

Jonas Helming

This year we are again very happy to be hosting an Eclipse November DemoCamp in Munich. However, we are cheating a little, because it will be on December 5th. So let’s call it the Christmas DemoCamp: …

Options to Distribute and Install an iOS App


So you have build an iOS app using Tabris or another technology of your choice? Then you should know how to get your app to your users. In order to distribute an iOS app, the following things are …

A Software Craftsman's Toolbox: Lightweight Java libraries that make life easier.


As a software developer you will use plenty of frameworks during your career. There are the big beasts like Spring, ActiveMQ or OSGi that you have to master in order to build the foundations of your …

Eclipse (SWT) throws an NPE in TaskItem on MacOS

Ian Bull

I was struggling to track down an NPE in the Yoxos Launcher that only happened on MacOS. To help others avoid this, I thought I would share the problem (and solution). The stack trace was as follows: …

The votes are counted and the results are in!

Ian Bull

The EclipseCon program committee has voted on the early bird selections. Congratulations to these five speakers. - Shawn Pearce, Scaling Up JGit - Jake Wharton, Bootstrapping Android Apps with Open …