EclipseSource Blogs
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UI Testing with Q7
When it comes to UI testing of Eclipse plug-ins and RCP applications, one usually looks first in the open source project SWTBot or Jubula. However, there are alternatives and different project set-ups …
EMF Dos and Don´ts #5
EMF is a very powerful framework and with power comes…responsibility. You can achieve great things with a minimum of effort using EMF, but if something goes wrong, you can also spend hours trying to …
Updated Tutorial: Developing Web Application Bundles with RAP and Virgo
This is just a heads up for those interested in developing RAP applications with Virgo. I finished updating our tutorial to RAP 2.0 and Virgo 3.6.x (aka Sky). The first part guides you through the …
Eclipse Kepler Milestone 6, available for download
Just in time for the IDEs of March (@wayne gets the credit for that one), the Eclipse and Equinox teams are happy announce that Eclipse Kepler Milestone 6 is now available for download. …
Keyboard Controls in RAP: Next Step Mnemonics
Applications built with RAP are often designed for high productivity: The faster you can control the app, the more work you can get done. In many cases, keyboard controls are significantly faster than …
EMF Dos and Don´ts #4
EMF is a very powerful framework and with power comes…responsibility. You can achieve great things with a minimum of effort using EMF, but if something goes wrong, you can also spend hours trying to …