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RAP Client Scripting Phase II (2/3)
Part 2: How to Pass Data to Your ClientListener A ClientListener is executed in a completely different environment to a traditional SWT listener. The only data it has access to is the event object, …
RAP Client Scripting Phase II (1/3)
Part 1: RAP 2.1 and Client Scripting The RAP ClientScripting add-on was introduced with RAP 1.5/Juno to enable more responsive input validation on text widgets. The basic idea is that while most …
Using EasyMock class extensions in Eclipse PDE tests
EasyMock is a powerful framework to create mock objects to use in Java JUnit tests. When used in an OSGi environment (e.g. to write Eclipse PDE tests), the creation of class extensions can cause …
Post Google I/O: The State of Android Development [UPDATED]
A few weeks ago i posted an analysis of the current state of the gradle based Android build system. Today we are living in a post Google I/O 2013 world and several things have changed. Time for an …
A Rule to Test Them All (At Once)
Unit tests often stop being useful where concurrency is involved. A special case is thread safety which can be tested relatively easily with the use of a simple JUnit rule. Suppose middle earth wants …
Custom touchpoints in p2
For most people, p2 is simply the Install Software Dialog in Eclipse. While this is certainly true (or at least the Install Software Dialog is built with p2), p2 is much more than this. The Eclipse …