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Java Methods as JSFunctions
When J2V8 was first released, all callbacks from JavaScript to Java required a registered Java method. That is, all Java methods that you wished to invoke had to be first registered with J2V8. For …
EclipseCon video: Node.js in a Java World
Last week I finally published the Node.js bindings for Java. These bindings allow developers to embed the Node.js runtime directly onto the JVM through the Java Native Interface. In March I gave a …
J2V8 Supports 16bit Characters
When J2V8 was first released, all Java characters passed between Java and V8 were converted to 8bit C-Style strings. For many applications this was just fine, but if your JavaScript contained 16 bit …
TypedArrays -- Sharing Memory Between V8 and Java
J2V8 provides the technology to link V8 and Node.js with the JVM. Using JNI, Java developers can directly call V8 and Node.js APIs. This seamless integration brings improved JavaScript performance, …
Announcing J2V8 4
After over a year of development, I am very excited to announce that J2V8 4 is publicly available on all supported platforms. J2V8 is a set of V8 bindings for Java. This means that you can embed V8 …
Running Node.js on the JVM
Gone are the days of single vendor lock-in, where one technology stack is used across an entire organization. Even small organizations and hobbyists will find themselves mixing technologies in a …