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How to build a tree editor in Eclipse Theia

Are you interested in creating an editor displaying data as a tree structure with a detail form in Eclipse Theia, such as the screenshot shown below? In this article we introduce the tree editor …

GLSP: Diagrams in VS Code, Theia, Eclipse and plain HTML

Eclipse GLSP is a framework to build diagram editors based on web technologies. These diagram editors can be embedded into any web page, but also into web-based IDEs such as VS Code or Eclipse Theia. …

EMF JSON mapper at!

Do you want to convert EMF model instances into JSON or vice versa? Do you want to make EMF data available via REST services? Then carry on reading. In this post, we introduce the EMF JSON Jackson …

Eclipse Che vs. VS Code (online|codespaces)

Have you heard about Eclipse Che and wonder how it compares to VS Code Online or “VS Code Codespaces”? What are the advantages and disadvantages? Are you confused what the role of Eclipse Theia is in …

EMF Forms and EMF Client Platform 1.25.0 released!

We are happy to announce that with the Eclipse Release 2020-09, we have also shipped EMF Forms and EMF Client Platform 1.25.0! All closed tickets in 1.25.0 can be found on and all “test” …

Top 7 Eclipse RAP features since release 3.0

Jochen Krause
Sep 16, 2020

Eclipse RAP has added a couple of cool new features for its current 3.14 release. These two made it into my favorites since the RAP 3.0 release. 7: Clipboard support for browsers that support the W3C …