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CDT Cloud - An overview about C/C++ tooling in the web

Do you want to build a custom tool for C/C++ development based on a modern technology stack? Do you want to migrate an existing C/C++ desktop tool to electron or the browser? Then read on. We recently …

Migrating Eclipse-based Tools/Plugins to Eclipse Theia or VSCode

Do you have an existing tool based on Eclipse RCP or a plugin for the Eclipse Desktop IDE? Do you wonder how you can evolve your project to web-based platforms such as Eclipse Theia or VS Code? Then …

What's new in the Eclipse RAP 3.19

Ivan Furnadjiev
Dec 16, 2021

Another year is about to end, and just in time, the Eclipse Simultaneous Release 2021.12 is available. As usual, the Eclipse RAP project participates in this release with its version 3.19.0. Even …

Diagram editors with Eclipse GLSP - towards 1.0

Eclipse GLSP is a framework for building web-based diagram editors. These diagram editors can be embedded into Eclipse Theia, into VS Code or into any web application. Therefore, GLSP enables great …

Getting started with Eclipse Cloud Developer Tools

Are you interested in building web- and cloud-based tools? Are you wondering what Eclipse Theia is, how it compares to VS Code or how LSP is related to all this? It can be easy to lose the overview of …

CDT Cloud? C/C++ tooling in the web/cloud

Are you looking to build a custom C/C++ tool using modern technologies? Do you have an existing Eclipse CDT-based toolchain and are looking for a migration path to the cloud? Then read on. In this …