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Finding SWT Leaks with Sleak

Apr 17, 2009

In SWT, the mantra is “if you created it, you dispose it.” The problem is, people forget to dispose which makes leaks a reality. For example, ever come across this dreaded exception from...

OSGi Training

Apr 14, 2009

I’ve been recently approached by people interested in OSGi training. This is quite serendipitous because the Eclipse Training Series is happening right now and offers OSGi training from places...

Visualizing OSGi Systems

Apr 13, 2009

At the recent OSGi Tool Summit, one of the biggest discussion items that came up was visualization. This makes perfect sense to me as visualizations can be a powerful tool, whether it’s for...

ECF kisses REST

Apr 8, 2009

Once upon a time a guy named Roy Fielding made his disertation about a design aproach called REST. From this point REST is getting very popular. Many service provider using REST to offer developers...

The Logic of Collective Action

Apr 7, 2009

In the last few days, there have been a number of provocative and interesting posts around the issue of how to maintain Eclipse’s innovation, as well as commercial growth, and project...

Eclipse Menu Contribution URIs

Apr 2, 2009

Since Eclipse 3.3, placing contributions in a menu (via the org.eclipse.ui.menus extension point) has been a bit challenging given the new locationURI attribute: While at EclipseCon 2009, I had time...