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Announcing a full featured PDE Build example from a Git repository

Sep 8, 2011

I set up a githup repository that gives a working example for a PDE product build from a git repository. It is meant to ease the pain of setting up new builds by having a working template that just...

Eclipse Stammtisch Europe

Sep 7, 2011

Sorry for the eye catcher, I meant “München” :-) To shorten the time until EclipseCon Europe, we cordially invite you to the Eclipse Stammtisch München on October 4th. The Stammtisch is...

Eclipse turning 10, let's go to Europe!

Sep 1, 2011

Eclipse is turning 10 this fall! My first experience with Eclipse came 8 1/2 years ago when I started building visualization tools on top of GEF. I was an IBM CAS Student while doing my PhD at the...

Lightweight OSGi Applications using RAP's Widget Toolkit

Aug 29, 2011

Update 2: The new interfaces have been renamed again in RAP 1.5M7. Please refer to this post for the details and check out the updated code example. Update: APIs have changed a bit meanwhile, so I...

JGit API: Reading configuration information

Aug 16, 2011

Lately I’ve been adding Git support to the Yoxos Workspace Provisioning. This should be done in time for Eclipse Indigo SR1 and this will mean you can easily share your Git configurations in...

Accessing a huge data set with the web browser

Aug 15, 2011

The Enron Corporation was the American energy company that was involved in accounting fraud which led to the Enron scandal in 2001. During the investigation, large parts of the company’s email...