Maximilian Koegel

Maximilian Koegel

Dr. Maximilian Koegel is deeply involved with the Eclipse community. He is project lead and committer on several open-source projects including EMF Cloud, JSON Forms and Theia Cloud. Maximilian is principle software architect at and CEO of EclipseSource, where he is focused on building (modeling) tools—web-based and desktop-based. With the rise of AI and in particular LLMs in the past years he gained extensive experience in integrating AI into IDEs and tools.

Email: [email protected]

Shared blog for EclipseSource Munich

April 20, 2015

To make it simpler for you to follow our blog posts from EclipseSource Munich we will now use a joint blog for all topics related to our work in Munich. This means there will be less posts that appear on my blog since I will post many things on the new Blog. All posts on the new blog are announced on the Twitter Account and Google+ page, see details below:

Meet EMF Forms at EclipseCon

March 8, 2015

EclipseCon is just around the corner, starting on Monday with the tutorials. EMF Forms will be presented at different events during the conference. If you would like to know when and where, read on:

EMFStore 1.4.0 Released

September 12, 2014

We just released EMFStore 1.4.0. You can find the new release on our download page. A list of implemented features and bug fixes is available on

EMFStore 1.2.0 Released

April 17, 2014

We just promoted the 1.2.0 RC to become the EMFStore 1.2.0 release.  EMFStore now includes extension points and API which allow you to more simply replace the storage technology on client and on server side based on the EMF resource set abstraction. As a proof-of-concept we have implemented a mongoDB back-end based on Mongo-EMF.

EMFStore 1.2.0 RC released

April 4, 2014

We just released EMFStore 1.2.0 RC. Apart from a number of smaller improvements and bug fixes, there is one new feature I would like to point out:

Are you still manually coding UIs?

October 28, 2013

Manual development of user interfaces for Business application has several drawbacks. Visible components such as forms or reports are typically subject to constant change, based on user feedback. Additionally there are often many forms developed in parallel, which should all comply to a uniform look and feel. Typical UI layout technologies are powerful, but also complex to use, as they have to support any kind of possible layout. Maintenance and testing of manually coded form layouts is costly, time-consuming and error-prone.


August 28, 2013

Recently we released EMFStore 1.0.0 and made it available for download and installation. Using the tutorial “Getting Started with EMFStore”, you can set up a demo client and server very fast.

EMFStore: How it actually works

August 22, 2013

Recently we released EMFStore 1.0.0 and made it available for download and installation. Using the tutorial “Getting Started with EMFStore”, you can set up a demo client and server very fast. But how does it actually work?

Configuring EMFStore Server

August 8, 2013

Recently we released EMFStore 1.0.0 and made it available for download and installation.

EMFStore 1.0 Release and Graduation

July 24, 2013

We are very happy to announce release 1.0.0 and the graduation of EMFStore!

EMF Dos and Don´ts #10

May 21, 2013

EMF is a very powerful framework and with power comes…responsibility. You can achieve great things with a minimum of effort using EMF, but if something goes wrong, you can also spend hours trying to find out why. This blog post is part of a series on things you should do and things you should not do when using EMF. You can use the link to the series pilot to navigate to the start and the link below to navigate to the next blog once it is published.

EMF Dos and Don´ts #9

May 16, 2013

EMF is a very powerful framework and with power comes…responsibility. You can achieve great things with a minimum of effort using EMF, but if something goes wrong, you can also spend hours trying to find out why. This blog post is part of a series on things you should do and things you should not do when using EMF. You can use the link to the series pilot to navigate to the start and the link below to navigate to the next blog once it is published.

EMF Dos and Don´ts #8

May 6, 2013

EMF is a very powerful framework and with power comes…responsibility. You can achieve great things with a minimum of effort using EMF, but if something goes wrong, you can also spend hours trying to find out why. This blog post is part of a series on things you should do and things you should not do when using EMF. You can use the link to the series pilot to navigate to the start and the link below to navigate to the next blog once it is published.

EMF ItemProvider Magic

January 29, 2013

In EMF you can generate Java Classes not only for your entity objects, but also classes that support viewing and editing these entities. ItemProviders are generated into the EMF edit plugin for each entity class and implement label and content providers. To implement a tree view of your entities you can use the generated label and content providers as follows.

Implementing special sets in Java: Partition a.k.a. DisjointSet

December 10, 2012

Recently we implemented an algorithm for a customer product that involved complex data structures for calculating conflicts in concurrent data updates. A performance critical part of the algorithm required comparing whether two elements are in the same set or not and additionally, required calculating the union of sets of elements. While the first operation is pretty fast with a HashSet (constant time), the later is pretty expensive (linear time). There is, however, a data structure called Disjoint Set or Union Find, that is able to deliver both operations in (almost*****) constant amortized time. Unfortunately, neither Java nor popular libraries such as Google Guava or Apache Commons ship with an implementation. However, implementing the data structure is straight-forward. In this blog post, we will implement a DisjointSet.

Building an Eclipse Project with Tycho - Experience Report

August 26, 2012

Build engineering was and is quite a challenge for many of the projects I worked on. For pure Java projects I have often used Maven for building, but for Eclipse/OSGi-based it never really worked out well for us. One of the main reasons was that the information Maven requires to build an artifact (aka plugin/bundle) has significant overlap with what you provide in the manifest of a plugin/bundle in Eclipse/OSGi. So essentially you are required to keep both in sync. For some time Tycho has promised to solve this problem and I always wanted to give it a try. This blog post describes what I needed to do to get a Tycho-based build for the EMFStore project and the EMF Client platform project up and running. Hopefully this can provide you with some hints on how to get your build set up and how diffi Step 1 - Getting started Download Maven from Apache and create a working directory with the source of your plugins/bundles. Maven is able to download all required plugins (e.g. tycho) on first use, so the initial run of a maven build might take some time.

Branching Support for the EMFStore Model Repository

July 23, 2012

EMFStore is a model repository based on EMF and the Eclipse RCP application framework. It enables EMF and RCP based applications to easily version and distribute their domain models with very few modifications.

EclipseCon Impressions - Monday

March 23, 2011

This is my first blog post under the EclipseSource roof. Thanks for all the greetings and congrats!

EclipseCon Impressions - Tuesday

March 23, 2011

My highlights on the EclipseCon today were the EMF GWT presentation by Ed Merks, the p2 talk by Ian Bull and Pascal Rapicault and the keynote on Watson by David Gondek: