Markus Knauer
Kepler M2 EPP Packages
The Eclipse Platform team released the Kepler M2 build two weeks ago (see Eclipse Kepler Milestone 2 available), today all other Eclipse projects participating in next years Eclipse Simultaneous Release Kepler are releasing their compatible milestone versions.
Organizing Hudson and Jenkins Build Jobs
At Eclipse we are running many, many build jobs on our Hudson servers. Most projects are managing multiple jobs, one for each version that they are supporting, sometimes multiplied by the number of sub-components. Within our company it is not that different on our internal Jenkins server: Multiple project teams want to deliver software consisting of components on different platforms… With that many jobs it is sometimes painful to concentrate on the few jobs that your are interested in.
Eclipse Juno - Release Now Available for Download
Many thanks to the maintainers of the 12 EPP packages, many thanks to the projects participating in the Juno release, many thanks to David who did an excellent job this year again:
Tycho, Maven and p2.inf
Today I spent some time on the RAP Tools build which is based on Tycho. The problem that I tried to solve had to do with our recent ID renaming of the RAP Tools feature to a more appropriate name,org.eclipse.rap.tooling
is now called
Eclipse Indigo SR2: Released in time
Sure, you’ve been reloading the web page once every minute over the past hours, you’ve been clicking on ‘Help’ > ‘Check for Updates’ in your Indigo Eclipse package, you’ve been monitoring the cross-project-issues-dev mailing list.
Eclipse Juno M5 and Indigo SR2 RC2
Two releases of the Eclipse EPP packages today:
The packages for Indigo SR2 RC2 (the second release candidate for the second service release of the Indigo release, based on Eclipse Platform 3.7.2) and the packages for this year’s Simultaneous Release Juno M5 (the 5th milestone based on Eclipse Platform 4.2) are available:
Running a distributed search application in the Amazon cloud
Doing live presentations is always challenging, isn’t it? Especially here, at EclipseCon, I like to integrate some demo elements in my talks, but in case you are relying on external resources, such as a network, there is always the chance that it is not going to work during your presentation. And that’s exactly what happened when we did our talk on Monday.
Helios M6 RCP package
The new EPP packages for Helios M6 are uploaded to the download area and just need some more hours to be distributed to the Eclipse download mirrors until we can make them available for the public from The mirroring is important, because otherwise the uplink would be entirely saturated and no one could get the Helios M6 bits in time before EclipseCon.
Upgrade to Eclipse Galileo SR2
If you haven’t seen it in the Eclipse announcements: Galileo SR2 is available for download from From this page you can download the new EPP packages that are based on Galileo SR2 (Service Release) and Eclipse 3.5.2.
Eclipse Helios M4 is out
Christmas is in the very near future and I have the pleasure to announce the availability of the forth milestone for next year’s Eclipse Simultaneous Release Helios: M4 is out! This time it was less than one week between the Eclipse Platform build (called ‘+0’) last Friday, several builds (’+1’ to ‘+3’) this week where other Eclipse projects prepare their contributions, and the package build (called ‘EPP’ - what else?) yesterday.
Eclipse Helios M2 is out (EPP)
The second milestone (M2) of next years’ Eclipse Simultaneous Release called Helios is now available!
Galileo SR1 EPP Packages - Preview
Only 4 days until the final Galileo SR1 bits are going to be released on Friday, time to write about some good news:
100000 Galileo package downloads in 24 hours
Twenty-four hours after opening the flood gates and releasing Galileo I thought I could provide some statistics. Over a year ago I started one of my talks at EclipseCon announcing that every 3 seconds someone starts a download of a packages that we create in my Eclipse Packaging Project.
Galileo RC3 Packages Released
As of a few minutes ago, Galileo RC3 EPP packages are available from the Eclipse website. You can download them via a direct link to the Galileo RC3 packages website or by opening the main Eclipse download page. Note, if you go that way, you need to switch to the “Develompent Builds” tab.
Equinox above the Cloud - some call it Heaven!
We are all busy preparing our talks and demonstrations for EclipseCon, aren’t we? This year I am trying to use in all of my talks a common set of examples.
Ganymede SR2 and '23'
I have to admit: 23 is the number that I like most. Some computer scientists and mathematicians prefer 42, but this is not a prime number.