Jeff McAffer

EclipseCon talk feedback is out...

April 15, 2010

EclipseCon was very good this year. The new venue and some new format ideas seemed to work.

EclipseCon and your Calendar

March 19, 2010

In days gone by the EclipseCon online program had ics calendar entries so you could just click and have a talk added to your calendar.

New samples for OSGi and Equinox book

March 8, 2010

Earlier today we released a new version of the sample code for the OSGi and Equinox book.

OSGi and Equinox book on the shelves

February 18, 2010

Finally! Moments ago I received my personal copy of the new OSGi and Equinox book

Eclipse Series updated. Make your suggestions

January 14, 2010

Today we formalized some changes in the Eclipse Series of books.

20 days of Mommitting

November 20, 2009

We’ve reached the 20th of Movember and its time for a progress report from this Eclipse Mommitter.

Another Eclipse Mommitter

November 13, 2009

Its mid-Movember and things are getting hairy in Eclipse-land. A dedicated team of committers, the Eclipse Mommitters, have banded together to grow moustaches to raise awareness of men’s health issues.

EclipseRT Days and DemoCamps

November 9, 2009

Autumn is in the air (wouldn’t know it here. 17C!) so it must be time for the Fall line up of “Eclipse days” and demo camps.


October 13, 2009

Ever wondered about Eclipse as a runtime technology? Wanted to know what this OSGi stuff was all about?

EclipseRT Tutorial and Symposium

October 9, 2009

Cool logo and cool sessions at ESE. At ESE in a couple weeks we are running both an EclipseRT tutorial and symposium.

OSGi and Equinox Book Updated

September 10, 2009

In a previous post, I mentioned that an OSGi and Equinox book is in the works.

OSGi and Equinox Webinar Posted

July 17, 2009

Last week Chris Aniszczyk and I did a free three hour OSGi and Equinox Jumpstart webinar.

e4 and RAP

February 20, 2009

For those of you who don’t know, RAP (the Rich Ajax Platform) provides the ability to run your Eclipse application on a server and have the UI served up in the browser using Ajax techniques.

Mike Wilson: New Eclipse PMC lead

February 18, 2009

Those of you following the recent discussion in the Eclipse PMC mailing list will know that Philippe Mulet, our fearless leader is changing his focus some.

Not running. Not Board.

February 5, 2009

As you may have seen, Mike posted the nominees for the 2009 elected board members race the other day.

The creation of EclipseSource announced

November 19, 2008

Today we announced the creation of EclipseSource. As the press release puts it, this is really a win-win-win situation for the eco-system, the projects and the EclipseSource team.

ESE Hackathon

November 18, 2008

This post is a little late but ESE is just starting and I wanted to highlight the Equinox Hackathon that is going on at the conference.