Florian Waibel
Dockerizor - Creating Docker Images for Virgo the Easy Way
During the preparations for our EclipseCon talk “Web Applications with Eclipse RT and Docker in the Cloud” about our first Docker project, we spent quite some time building Docker images for Virgo powered applications.
We investigated how to improve the continuous delivery of such applications using Gradle. In the first step we used the ‘Gradle Docker plugin’ to get started quickly. In your build script you specify Docker related configuration like this:
Ready, Steady, Vir...Go!
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How to use Docker links to *safely* connect from a Virgo application to a MongoDB
Some months ago, the Docker Team announced Docker 0.6.5[1]. Since that release it is possible to give your container names - this makes it much easier to find the correct container to interact with. It didn’t take long that I got used to this new feature.
Control Your OSGi Application at Runtime
It is a common procedure to read the initial configuration of a classic Java program from a file system properties file. Once the program is up and running, changes made to the configuration will be ignored unless you deliberately watch for changes to the properties file.
Automated installation of Virgo with Docker
https://eclipsesource.com/images/Docker-logo-011.png does not exist A few weeks ago a friend of mine enthusiastically told me about Docker[1] in a lunch break. Yesterday he supported me in creating my first Dockerfile and it was an amazing experience I must admit.
Look Mate, No Setters, No XML!
Lately I had a discussion about setters that have been introduced for the sake of testability. Just to be able to replace the actual collaborator with a stub or mock.
JUnit - the Difference between Practice and @Theory
Lately a colleague showed me how to improve JUnit tests written for a distance calculator. Speaking with other developers I found out that the majority wasn’t aware of the undocumented @Theories Runner which can be found in an experimental package in JUnit, so I decided to share this valuable “experiment”.
Updated Tutorial: Developing Web Application Bundles with RAP and Virgo
This is just a heads up for those interested in developing RAP applications with Virgo. I finished updating our tutorial to RAP 2.0 and Virgo 3.6.x (aka Sky).
RAP 2.0 Available on Maven Central
Hot on the heels of the release of RAP 2.0 the bundles have been uploaded to Maven Central. Time for another coffee break with RAP and Maven.
Deployment habits are changing at the speed of a container ship
Thank you very much for participating in the survey “How will you run your RAP application in 2013?”. Very interesting results. Deployment habits seem to be rather conservative in the environment of RAP.
How will you run your RAP application in 2013?
In late 2010 we asked “How do you run your RAP application today ? (2010)”. In those days most installations were WAR deployments (>50%) running in a plain Tomcat/Jetty container or an application server (Poll results).
Running RAP 2.0 powered Web Application Bundles (WAB) on Virgo
With the latest RAP 2.0 milestone M2[1], you can run RAP based Web Application Bundles (WAB) with the unmodified RAP artifacts installed into your Virgo Jetty Server[2]. No more Eclipse buddy classloading required as noted in a previous post.
RAP on the Quick: The pure Maven Way
Lately I was talking with a colleague if it is possible to kickstart a RAP standalone “Hello World” example in less than a coffee break(*).
How to create blueprints for your OSGi building blocks
With OSGi we are able to implement building blocks for modular applications. Dependency injection frameworks support us in writing flexible, testable and clean code. The “Blueprint Container Specification” defines a dependency injection framework to build applications that run in an OSGi framework. The specification was added in version 4.2 to the OSGi compendium Specification[1]. This specification is derived from the Spring Dynamic Modules project[2] which is an extension to the Spring dependency injection framework where you can take advantage of the services offered by the OSGi environment.
Developing RAP applications with Virgo
This post shows how to develop RAP applications with Virgo. The first part guides you through the setup for a Virgo Server instance and how to extend it to become a RAP runtime. The second part is a short walkthrough of how to create a Hello World RAP application using the new RAP OSGi integration.
How to build a cluster with Jetty / OSGi
In this blog post I describe how to set up a cluster node with an embedded Jetty Server inside Equinox.
Sovereign - clustering RAP applications
Only a few days remain until EclipseCon 2011 starts. We are eagerly anticipating our chance to present you an introduction to our ongoing research project Sovereign.
Poll results on RAP deployment
Thanks for participating in our survey “How do you run your RAP application today?” The poll was online for one and a half months. During this period we collected around 150 replies.
Web Application Bundles
This tutorial shows how to develop Web Application Bundles (WAB) with RAP[1] 2.0 and Virgo[2].