Beyhan Veliev

RAP on the Maven Central Repository

July 18, 2011

Have you ever heard about RWT standalone?  RWT standalone applications use the widget toolkit of RAP called RWT for their user interface.  These applications can be standard Java applications with no need to create an OSGi based application.

EPP Wizard with Extended Proxy Support

September 9, 2009

Finally I’m happy to announce the long expected extension of the EPP Wizard for proxies. Now the EPP Wizard provides an extended P2 installer which allows you to edit the proxy-related settings. The extended P2 installer has a dialog where you can select a proxy and enter the credentials for it. This feature should be used in cases where the proxy needs full authentication (user name and password). For all other use cases, the P2 installer works fine. The new dialog looks very similar to the dialog “Edit Proxy Entry” on the “Network Connections” preference page of Eclipse. The proxy support is already contributed to the P2 installer with the following bug.

EPP Download Wizard

July 9, 2009

Previously, I blogged about the current state of the Eclipse Packaging Project (EPP) Wizard. I have good news, the EPP wizard is now officially available.

EPP Wizard Preview

June 15, 2009

The EPP Wizard is now available as a preview from our website: