Maximilian Koegel co-leads the EclipseSource office and works as a consultant and software engineer for Eclipse technologies. He is an Eclipse expert with a focus in …
EMFStore 1.2.0 RC released
April 4, 2014 | 1 min ReadWe just released EMFStore 1.2.0 RC. Apart from a number of smaller improvements and bug fixes, there is one new feature I would like to point out:
EMFStore now includes extension points and API which allow you to more simply replace the storage technology on client and on server side based on the EMF resource set abstraction. As a proof-of-concept we have implemented a mongoDB back-end based on Mongo-EMF.
To try EMFStore and get started please see the Getting Started with EMFStore tutorial. We have of course updated the tutorial to the new release. Enjoy!