Ian is an Eclipse committer and EclipseSource Distinguished Engineer with a passion for developer productivity.
He leads the J2V8 project and has served on several …
EclipseCon 2013 is fast approaching. This year EclipseCon is on the east coast in Boston, MA from March 25-28th. EclipseCon brings together experts from dozens of Eclipse projects along with leaders from the ALM (Application Lifecycle Management) and OSGi communities. I’m really excited about this years program. Here are 5 talks that I can’t wait to see:
Scaling Up JGit I’ve seen a number of talks about how Google structures their development infrastructure. From a single source tree holding over 2,000 projects to over 50,000 builds per day. I’m really excited to hear some of the technical details of how they manage to scale to this size. From 30Gb repositories to handling millions of Git operations per day, this talk is sure to pack a lot of stuff with very little fluff.
Marketing an Open Source Project Many of us have plenty of experience developing software, but when it comes to talking about it, marketing it, or growing a community, we often look the other way. After all, I’d rather be hacking. This talk should help give us the tools and advice to help grow our projects and the communities around them
NASA uses Eclipse RCP applications for experiments on the International Space Station Eclipse in space! Most people know that Eclipse is a great integrated development environment. But did you also know that Eclipse is a general purpose platform for building everything and nothing in particular? In this talk, NASA will show off an Eclipse RCP application used to control robots from the ISS. Any talk about the challenges around building software for use in space sounds pretty cool to me.
Combining the power of IBM Watson and OSGi From Space to the most advanced question answering system in the world, Eclipse is Everywhere. I’m really excited to hear about how Equinox OSGi (the module system behind Eclipse) is being used in the Watson tooling platform. This is certain to be one of those talks where you shake your head and say “I didn’t know Eclipse could do that”.
Advanced Git: Things you need to know about Git but were afraid to ask As more and more projects move to Git, developers need to be comfortable with the Git revision control system. Many of us simply learned Git by example and are able to use it to do our jobs. But what happens when a push fails, merge conflicts appear, or a commit goes missing? This tutorial will help prepare developers for the rare occasions when you need to dig deep into the advanced powers of Git. I’m really looking forward to learning advanced Git usage from the experts at GitHub.
Checkout the entire program on-line, or better yet, join us in Boston.
Ian is an Eclipse committer and EclipseSource Distinguished Engineer with a passion for developer productivity.
He leads the J2V8 project and has served on several …