Tabris 0.7.0 – New and Noteworthy

September 6, 2012 | 2 min Read

Tabris has made a big step forward in this 0.7 release. We included many improvements and fixes requested by our users. And we also got some nice new features…

New and Noteworthy

Base Technology Update to RAP 2.0 M1

The most important change in this release is the support for RAP 2.0 M1. This change requires some minor updates in existing code. An update guide is available. Be sure to update your target (available at: !

Video Support

Tabris now supports native playback of videos. This features is implemented as a custom widget in the Tabris API. It adds a new widget com.eclipsesource.tabris.widgets.Video that lets you embed a video file (H.264) from any URL into your application. On-screen controls, fullscreen and other bells and whistles that you would expect from a state-of-the-art video player are implemented and ready to be used in your App.

Scale Widget

The Scale widget is now supported on iOS and Android. It lets the user select a value within a given range by sliding a knob. < image src=“images/Scale-widget-300x112.png” width=“300” height=“112” title="" >}}


The ProgressBar widget with the style SWT.INDETERMINATE and Button with SWT.TOGGLE which were already available on Android, are now supported on iOS, too.

Custom colored TreeItems

It is now possible to set custom colors as the TreeItems Foreground and Background on both iOS and Android.

Android specific

A busy indicator provides user feedback when the network connection to the server becomes slow. In such cases a meaningful message communicates the situation to the user who can get rid of the dialog by pressing the back key.