Modeling Symposium @ EclipseCon North America 2012

March 19, 2012 | 7 min Read

We’re happy to announce the agenda for the modeling symposium at EclipseCon North America 2012 in Reston, VA. The symposium takes place on Monday afternoon, March 26th. You’ll find more information about the location under

The goal of the symposium is to provide an overview of what’s hot and new in the modeling area. We therefore decided to provide many short slots.

Marcelo Paternostro will open the symposium with a 1 minute teaser from his full talk:

“I cheated on EMF with RDF and I may do it again”  (

After that we will have 13 short talks. Each speaker will have 10 minutes including questions. We hope to provide a good overview of what’s cooking in the modeling area. We are looking forward to seeing you there!

Talk 1

Title: Jnario

Presenter: Sebastian Benz

Description: “Jnario” is a framework helping you write executable software specifications. It leverages the expressiveness of Xtend and is easy to integrate, as it compiles to plain JUnit tests. In our other presentation at this EclipseCon, we demonstrate how to use Jnario for writing executable acceptance specifications in a business readable fashion. This session introduces you to Jnario Specs - another language of Jnario allowing software behavior specification on a unit level. We demonstrate how you can design and document your software at the same time.

Talk 2

Presenter: Mickael Istria

Title: Iterative and agile principles applied to generated code

Description: When relying on code generation to produce pieces of your software, you introduce an additional step to your development workflow. This additional step introduce some more complexity, as a drawback of its high productivity. You’ll learn some practical tips to keep you project easy to maintain and benefit of generation at its maximum. Although most examples will rely on GMF Tooling, these principles also apply to other generative frameworks such as EMF and XText.

Basically, it will contain some tips about the generation-gap pattern, why not modifying generated code is a cool things, what are the other ways to customize without modifying. And also I’ll show how to make easier to deal with generation through iterations with GMF Tooling example. I think I can make it in 10 minutes, if we assume most people already used generation frameworks and know there drawbacks.

Talk 3

Title: What’s new in EGF (Eclipse Generation Factories)

Presenter: Benoit Langlois

Description: EGF (Eclipse Generation Factories) is a software factory tool. It is not restricted to text generation but addresses generation in general with issues such as orchestration of heterogeneous activities involved during a generation, generation customization, generation DSL. This talk remind what are the main concepts of EGF (Factory Component, Task, Generation Chain, Portfolio) and the new features that will be available in Juno (e.g., post-processing for model-to-text, support of Ant / JRuby / Acceleo / ATL tasks, enrichment of the EMF generation).

Talk 4

Title: You need to extend your models? EMF Facets vs. EMF Profiles

Presenter: Philip Langer & Hugo Bruneliere

Description: When using the Eclipse Modeling Framework, directly or as part of Eclipse-based solutions, one often faces the problem of having to extend EMF models in an efficient and structured way. However, either due to technical or business reasons, the respective original EMF models/metamodels cannot be modified or “polluted” with the intended additional information. To this end, an advanced and lightweight model extension mechanism is worth a mint!

EMF Facet<> and EMF Profiles<>, respectively hosted in Eclipse-EMFT and Eclipse Labs, are two projects implementing such an extension mechanism. The former offers a way to dynamically extend models at runtime, while the latter provides a UML-like profile mechanism adapted to be used for any EMF model. In this lightning talk, we introduce both tools very briefly and directly demonstrate on a simple example how they can be used in a complementary way.

Talk 5

Title: EMF Diff/Merge

Presenter: Olivier Constant

Description: EMF Diff/Merge is a newly proposed project which aims to provide a lightweight, reliable and scalable engine for comparing and merging models using IDs. It particularly focuses on preserving the integrity and consistency of models during the merge process according to user-defined policies. It includes a customizable diff/merge engine and GUI components which are designed to be used by or integrated into other tools. Envisioned usages of the tool include for example: incremental model transformations, bridges between model-based tools, model refactoring, or merge of models under version control.

Talk 6

Title: The CDO Model Repository

Presenter: Eike Stepper

Description: CDO is a runtime platform for modeled application systems. It provides transparent and highly efficient solutions to most technical challenges with EMF models, such as scalability, transactionality, thread safety, persistence, replication, versioning or collaboration. In this talk you’ll see a brief functional overview and a demo.

Talk 7

Title: EMFStore

Presenter: Maximilian Kögel

Description: EMFStore ( is an Eclipse project and a model repository featuring collaborative editing and versioning of models. In this presentation we will demonstrate the recent 0.8.9 release. Further we show how we successfully integrated the EMFStore technology into an existing industrial tool to enable collaborative editing of models and versioning. We will discuss which pitfalls we fell into and which ones we were able to avoid.

Talk 8

Title: EMF Client Platform

Presenter: Jonas Helming

Description: The EMF Client Platform (ECP) provides a generic and reflective user interface for arbitrary EMF models. In this demonstration we present the abilities of the recent 0.8.9 release. But, even though the UI is for free, an important question remains, “Should I use the CDO Model Repository or EMFStore to store my models? Or maybe just XMI files?” We can’t answer this question for you but we’ve done the next best thing. Committers from the EMF Client Platform, CDO and EMFStore have joined forces to enable you to seamlessly switch between the different options. We will give a preview of the upcoming major release onf the EMF Client Platform showing this.

Talk 9

Presenter: Mickael Istria

Title: What’s up GMF Tooling?

Talk 10

Presenter: Andres Alvarez & Ruben de Dios

Title: GMF simple map editor

Description: In order to simplify the creation process of the GMF models we created a graphical tool (Based on GMF) to allow us to create a complete GMF model in a few minutes.

More Info:

Talk 11

Title: EMF Texo

Presenter: Martin Taal

Description: Texo ( is an EMF code generation and runtime framework targeted for server side web apps. I will demo entity code generation, JPA annotation generation and persistence and some main features of the runtime framework. If there is time I will show how you can adapt or extend the code generation templates making use of the Texo build in support of code formatting, manual-changes-preservation and java import resolving. A concluding slide will be spend on other not-demoed features of Texo.

Talk 12

Title: Task-focused modeling with Mylyn, EMF and Papyrus

Presenter: Benjamin Muskalla

Description: In order to bring the productivity benefits of the task-focused interface to engineers using Eclipse-based modeling technologies, Mylyn created a “Context Bridge” for EMF-based models and diagram editors. The result of this will be a focused mode for diagrams that shows only the elements related to the task-at-hand, dramatically reducing information overload for engineers working on large models. In addition, the task-focused interface extensions will provide Mylyn’s one-click multitasking facilities for working with models, ensuring that engineers can instantly recover from interruptions, and share model-specific expertise, when working with models in addition to what Mylyn already provides for engineers working with source code. In this session, we will showcase the use of the task-focused interface within the Ecore Tools and the Papyrus UML Editor. In addition, we will discuss the aspects of bringing the task-focused interface to model and diagram editors and will give a quick overview how to enable these for your own diagram types.

Talk 13

Title: MDT/OCL

Presenter: Ed Willink

Description: The major innovation in MDT/OCL for Juno is the addition of Direct OCL 2 Java generation. This enables an Ecore or UML model to be annotated with OCL constraints, so that the previously missing bodies that required manual Java can now be realised directly in a specification language and executed with the aid of the new OCL Transformation Virtual Machine. This eliminates compilation costs at run-time and replaces interpreted execution by inline code exploiting optimized dispatch tables. Combined with the OCLinEcore (Xtext) editor, OCL is finally suitable for modelers as well as Java hackers.

Jonas Helming

Jonas Helming

Dr. Jonas Helming is CEO of EclipseSource as well as consultant, trainer and software engineer. His focus is on web-based tools, IDEs, and tailored AI assistance in tools …