Effective Mockito Part 3

October 13, 2011 | 4 min Read

In the previous Effective Mockito post we saw how to use the @Mock Annotation to get a clean test. In this post I want to show you how to use Mockito’s spy mechanism to eliminate testing troubles with third party libraries.

Testing is one of the most important things in software development. I assume you agree with me because you decided to read this blog post ;).  It goes without saying that when we develop software we often rely on third party functionality. This does not affect our testing because we can mock objects from third party libraries thanks to Mockito. But there is one thing that always ruins my karma…

That is, static methods. And even worse, static methods that depend on runtime state. I know there are solutions like PowerMock to enable mocking statics, but I think there is a more elegant solution to avoid the troubles with statics -  without manipulating the bytecode and without adding another mocking library, as we would with PowerMock.

Let’s dive into an example to see how. First, take a look at our third party code. In this example I know that I will have to use a static method from the framework which exists in the class FancyFrameworkUtil. The only purpose of this code is to show you that I have to use it and that the third party library changes its return type magically at runtime as the comment says (this sort of thing happens way too often).

public class FancyFrameworkUtil {
  public static String getProperty() {
    return "some runtime property"; // this property changes at runtime ;)

Let’s get to the code we want to write: a highly sophisticated type called MyObject ;). This type has only one method called isPropertySet which will become API (by this I mean the method will be added to a public interface). The method only checks to see if the value of the third party’s framework has a specific value and returns a boolean depending on the value.

public class MyObject {
  public boolean isPropertySet() {
    String property = FancyFrameworkUtil.getProperty();
    boolean result = true;
    if( property.equals( "some runtime property" ) ) {
      result = false;
    return result;

We now know that the framework method returns a value that can change at runtime but this does not mean we can’t write a test.

public class MyObjectTest {
  private MyObject objectUnderTest;

  public void setUp() {
    objectUnderTest = new MyObject();
  public void testIsPropertySet() {
    assertFalse( objectUnderTest.isPropertySet() );

As you can see it’s a very straightforward test. But it’s not complete because we haven’t tested what happens when the framework’s property value changes. We can’t be sure if our MyObject#isPropertySet ever returns true. I’m sure you’ve had a similar problem in the past, too.

At this point we have a choice. Introduce another framework to mock the static framework method or do something like the following. First, we need to extract the call to the third party library in a separate method in our MyObject implementation. It’s important that we change the visibility of this method to package private. This is the price we have to pay. But I don’t think its a high price because this method will not become API and is only visible in the implementation’s package. By separating the interface and the implementation into different packages this really isn’t a problem.

public class MyObject {
  public boolean isPropertySet() {
    String property = getProperty();
    boolean result = true;
    if( property.equals( "some runtime property" ) ) {
      result = false;
    return result;

  String getProperty() {
    return FancyFrameworkUtil.getProperty();

This is all we have to do to our implementation to enable the “pseudo mocking” of the FancyFrameworkUtil’s method. Now comes the testing, and at this point we can use a spy. A spy is a real object with one or many mocked methods. Therefore we can spy on our objectUnderTest. In our case we want to mock the getProperty method that was added last. It can look like this.

public class MyObjectTest {
  private MyObject objectUnderTest;

  public void setUp() {
    objectUnderTest = spy( new MyObject() );
  public void testIsPropertySet() {
    doReturn( "some runtime property" ).when( objectUnderTest ).getProperty();
    assertFalse( objectUnderTest.isPropertySet() );
  public void testIsPropertySetWhenPropertyChanged() {
    doReturn( "foo" ).when( objectUnderTest ).getProperty();
    assertTrue( objectUnderTest.isPropertySet() );

As you can see in the test methods, the spying in the setUp method enables us to change the return value of the framework’s method by introducing a delegation step. With this we can ensure that our method isPropertySet reacts to changes in the framework’s property.

I hope it’s now clear how to use a spy to mock static framework methods by using delegation steps. If you know alternative ways, please take a minute to share it with us in a comment. By the way, there is also an @Spy Annotation you can use. Have fun spying ;)

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Read the other Effective Mockito posts: