Eclipse turning 10, let's go to Europe!

September 1, 2011 | 2 min Read

Eclipse is turning 10 this fall! My first experience with Eclipse came 8 1/2 years ago when I started building visualization tools on top of GEF. I was an IBM CAS Student while doing my PhD at the University of Victoria. Over the years I’ve attended several demo camps, presented Eclipse content at the local Java User Group, delivered presentations and tutorials at numerous EclipseCons and even attended the occasional Eclipse stammtisch. However, I’ve never attended an Eclipse conference in Europe :-(. does not exist

I’m hoping to change that this year so that I can join in the Eclipse 10th anniversary celebrations.  I’ve submitted 3 talks to the conference:

  • p2, your savior or your achilles heel? Everything an Eclipse team needs to know about p2: This is re-hash of the talk Pascal and I gave an EclipseCon 2011 (the one in North America). We highlight 10 things that all Eclipse developers need to know about p2, or at least the types of things that will make your life a lot easier.
  • It’s Raining Bytes: Scaling p2 Using the Cloud: In this talk I will discuss how we use p2 to build something as complex as the Yoxos distribution. Yoxos contains over 30,000 artifacts, split across dozens of self contained slices and all delivered using the Amazon Cloud services.   Each one of these components has been validated to ensure that it installs and that all dependencies are available. This talk is intended for those looking for practical advice on how to scale p2 (the eclipse provisioning platform).
  • Moving from CVS to Git, 10 things I’ve learned: This talk was inspired by a blog post a wrote a while ago, when I was first learning Git. I often find that once someone starts using Git heavily, they forget about the growing pains they went through.  With these pains still fresh in my mind, I hope to use this opportunity to present 10 things I learned along the way.  This talk is geared towards those just starting off with Git.

I hope to see you in Germany this fall.

Ian Bull

Ian Bull

Ian is an Eclipse committer and EclipseSource Distinguished Engineer with a passion for developer productivity.

He leads the J2V8 project and has served on several …