Last week in Riena: 3.0 announced, Web support, ESE talks
Here are three recent developments from Eclipse Riena, that you may otherwise have missed:
• Version 3.0 announced - we have updated the development plan, skipping the 2.1 release and shooting straight for a 3.0 release next June (Eclipse Indigo). While we strive to keep the bulk of the APIs unchanged, this move will grant us the flexibility to carefully introduce changes needed to support Eclipse RAP.
You can read the full announcement here.
• Riena goes to the Web - We are excited about having all of Riena run on Eclipse RAP and are stepping up the effort.

In the last two weeks we have ported and committed the Riena Navigation to RAP. Thanks to recent improvements in RAP this was a breeze! We also have an automated build for this second platform. Lastly, we have worked to eliminate all compile errors when building against RAP. This should make further development more straightforward.
If you want to follow the effort add yourself on Bug 302893 and read the ‘Riena on RAP’ page on the wiki.
• Riena at Eclipse Summit Europe - Riena committers are participating at the ESE, November 2 - 4 in Ludwigsburg. We have proposed following talks:
- Riena on RAP (Running Riena in the Web)
- Riena on e4 aka “RCP 2.0”
- SWT on Qt
- Tutorial: dynamic UI - from domain model to RCP app (Riena+Modelling+RedView)
If you are interested in any of these topics: please follow the link and leave a short comment. This will help the organizers decide which talks to approve. Thanks!