Eclipse Riena 1.2.0.M2 released
The Riena committers have just done it again: Riena 1.2.0.M2 is now out the door (download). Here’s the New & Noteworthy and the issues fixed in this milestone. Read on for my personal favorites:
- New ridgets: ILinkRidget, IBrowserRidget, ITraverseRidget (for SWT’s Slider, Scale and Spinner widgets). Thanks to Florian from Redview for these contributions (snippets)
- IComboRidget now supports CCombo: the CCombo widget works much better with our marker framework, since it supports different background colors (the regular combo does not!). Markers use background colors to point out required or incorrect data. Check out the new CCombo demo in the playground.
- MasterDetails improvements: (a) the MasterDetails widget now has an ‘auto apply’ mode, meaning that any changes done in the details area in the bottom will instantly be applied back to the original model in the table (snippet)
- Automatically synchronize enablement state of a label and another widget: Riena now has a mechanism that keeps the enabled-state of a label and another widget in lock-step. Example: you have a Label with the id “labelName” and a Text widget with the id “name”. If the text field is disabled, the label will be disabled too. The default strategy looks for the “label” prefix to associate two widgets with each other (i.e. labelXYZ <-> XYZ). However you can use the labelfinderstrategy extension point to provide a different strategy, if desired.

Kind regards, Elias.