EclipseRT Days in Austin and Toronto
In November, the Eclipse Foundation will be hosting EclipseRT Days in Austin and Toronto.
Besides the new logo above, EclipseRT is the portfolio of Eclipse projects that include runtime frameworks used to build and deploy running applications. EclipseRT is based on component oriented development architecture built on the Equinox runtime framework, an implementation of the OSGi standard.
EclipseRT Day is your opportunity to discover what is possible using Equinox and the complementary projects, such as EclipseLink, RAP and RCP. Experts from the EclipseRT community will discuss how you can build applications for embedded devices, desktops and even large scale server applications. IBM, SpringSource and TD Canada Trust will share their experiences of using Equinox and OSGi for their solutions.
In Austin, you’ll hear about topics like Equinox and OSGi, Modular Java Applications with Spring and Building Modular Applications for Embedded Devices.
In Toronto, you’ll hear about about topics like Java Persistence with EclipseLink, Managing your OSGi Runtime with p2 and e4 Overview and Demo.
The event is free, all you need to do is register.