Eclipse Riena 1.2.0.M1 released
The Fellowship of Riena just released 1.2.0.M1. (download). We committers have fixed 40+ issues and added a couple of new features. Below are my personal favorites.
Improved support for message markers. Multiple validation rules and validation messages are now shown correctly (snippet):
The new IListRidget simplifies binding to lists of elements with one column. This is a bit simpler than using a ITableRidget (snippet).
Easier listening for selection changes using an ISelectionListener on ITableRidget, IListRidget, ITreeRidget, ITreeTableRidget, ISingleChoiceRidget, IMultipleChoiceRidget.
Better keyboard navigation. We have added several new shortcuts. Some examples:
- Next / Previous navigation element - Up / Down in the navigation tree
- Next / Previous Module - Ctrl-Down / Ctrl-Up
- Next / Previous SubApplication - Ctrl-PgDn / Ctrl-PgUp
- Close Module / ModuleGroup - Ctrl-W / Ctrl-Shift-W
- Focus on Navigation / Workarea - F6 / F7
- Focus on Window Menu - F10 (windows only)
- Quit Application - Alt+F4 (windows only)
and SubApplication titles now support mnemonics for easier access via the keyboard:
Here’s the complete New & Noteworthy.
Kind regards, Elias.
PS: SubApplication, Module, ModuleGroup are explained here.