EPP Download Wizard
Previously, I blogged about the current state of the Eclipse Packaging Project (EPP) Wizard. I have good news, the EPP wizard is now officially available.
The wizard has been embedded in our own company download site under the Customize Download button. If you start on the Eclipse Foundation download site and chose to download your packages from EclipseSource, you have the option to download an unmodified package from the Cloud but also the possibility to use the EPP Wizard to create your own download. If you select the latter option, the wizard will be opened with the package content you already selected on the Eclipse download site. If you are satisfied with your selection just go to the finish page of the wizard and select the packages you want to install.
Can you spot the difference in the screenshots bellow?
Install new Software Dialog without Update Site Management
Install new Software Dialog without Update Site Management
We found out that some installations created with the EPP Wizard don’t have the p2 UI for management of repositories (update sites). The available update sites are shown under Preferences > Install/Update > Available Software Sites and under Help > Install New Software… but you don’t have the possibility to edit them. This issue was fixed last week but if you have an older installation and the update sites management functionalty is missing you have to change the start options of the bundle org.eclipse.equinox.ds to get it. The start options associated with bundles are saved into the bundles.info located under eclipse/configuration/org.eclipse.equinox.simpleconfigurator/bundles.info (in this case eclipse is the directory of your eclipse installation). Just change the start options of the bundle org.eclipse.equinox.ds from “4, false” to “2, true” and restart your eclipse.
The EPP Download Wizard integrates Yoxos OnDemand as external service provider. Yoxos OnDemand is a free Eclipse download and update service we provide. Yoxos OnDemand provides access to additional third party content which is not available from the EPP Wizard. However, from the EPP Wizard, you can continue your download with Yoxos without losing time because your selection will be sent to Yoxos.
If you encounter other problems or have ideas how to improve the wizard please send us feedback through our feedback form on our download site.