Eclipse Menu Contribution URIs
Since Eclipse 3.3, placing contributions in a menu (via the org.eclipse.ui.menus extension point) has been a bit challenging given the new locationURI attribute:
While at EclipseCon 2009, I had time to sit down with Paul Webster and hack the menu spy functionality of the Plug-in Spy to spit out location URIs. For example, if you selected the JDT open project wizard, you would get this popup:
Another example is if you selected the Import wizard from the File menu, you’d get this popup:
That URI should be good enough to use for your personal menu contributions. Look for this functionality to appear in Eclipse 3.5 M7 and if you have anymore ideas, please file a bug.
In the end, I hope people find this useful as I continue my quest of introspecting the workbench and making life easier for RCP developers. opers.