Ian is an Eclipse committer and EclipseSource Distinguished Engineer with a passion for developer productivity.
He leads the J2V8 project and has served on several …
As I left EclipseCon I was a little surprised there wasn’t the famous +1, -1, 0 buckets outside the Hyatt. I wanted to cast my vote for the entire conference. I had a great week and I learned a lot, although there were 2 things that disappointed me.
First, I was not able to attend all the sessions I wanted too. Maybe others have advice because I don’t know how anyone can attend all the interesting talks / tutorials, meet all the interesting people, hack on cool new ideas, follow twitter (and don’t forget to tweet), read all the blogs (and don’t forget to write), attend the BoFs, settle all your “Beer Dept”, help close down the bar at 1:30am and join the running group at 7:00am. I did my best, but I probably only accomplished a 10th of what I set out to do. (If I didn’t repay my Beer Dept to you, please find me at next years EclipseCon).
The second dissapointment was that I had to leave. Of course I’m happy to be home with my wife and daughters, (and my liver is happy that EclipseCon is over), I would love to spend another week chatting with everyone.
On my way home I was pleasantly surprised to find myself sitting next to David Green of WikiText fame. David gave me a tour of his work on WikiText and we spent the 2 hour flight chatting about Eclipse. It was like I got an extra session for free.
So if my only two complaints about the week was that there was too much interesting stuff and eventually I had to go home, I think it is safe to say I would have given the EclipseCon a +1.
Scott Rosenbaum, you did an excellent job of general program chair, and Bjorn, you ran another awesome conference. It was great to see everyone again!!!
Ian is an Eclipse committer and EclipseSource Distinguished Engineer with a passion for developer productivity.
He leads the J2V8 project and has served on several …