Eclipse RAP 1.1 M3 released

The RAP team just announced the availability of RAP 1.1 M3.
Some new things in this release:
- Mouse Events - Controls will notify mouse listeners on mouse up, down and double-click events.
- Theming Variants - Define multiple theming styles for the for the same widget type. Want blue buttons and green buttons? Now you can do it.
- Background Images - You can now use a background image on most controls.
- Transparency - Semi-transparent Shells (#get/setAlpha()).
- Activities - Control the visibility of certain UI elements in the Workbench using the familiar activities and activitySupport extension points.
- Import and Export Wizards - Support for registering and showing import and export wizards.
- User Specific Settings - RWT provides API for persisting session- and/or user-specific settings. Refer to ISettingStore for details.
- User Specific Preferences - You can now use AbtractUIPlugin.getPreferenceStore() to save and retrieve user-specific preferences. The user is identified by a cookie and will have access to the same preferences as long as the cookie is valid.
- RAP HttpContext - The RAP servlet uses its own HttpContext. This allows easier sharing of session data between the RAP Servlet and other servlets in the same context.
Here are the links to the release announcement and the complete new & noteworthy.
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