RAP "Guide" to the EclipseCon 2008
Just two weeks to go ’til the next EclipseCon. Once again the schedule is packed with ten parallel sessions and a dazzling amount of interesting talks.
The list below will help you spot the RAP-specific talks and tutorials.
Monday, March 17th
- Tutorial - Getting started with RAP development, 08:00-10:00, Cypress
- Tutorial - From RCP to RCP/RAP. Conversion and Single-Sourcing Techniques, 10:30-12:30, Cypress
Wednesday, March 19th
- RAP vs GWT - Which AJAX Technology is for You?, 13:30-14:20, Grand Ballroom GHAB
- RAP the Web, 14:30-15:20, Grand Ballroom GHAB
As you know, RAP is one of the runtime technologies that are part of the newly proposed Runtime Top-Level Project. If you are interested in the “broader picture” you may find these two talks interesting:
The Equinox Community – Runtime Technology at Eclipse, Tue 03/18, 11:10-12:00, Great America Ballroom JK
Eclipse 4.0, Wed 3/19, 10:10-11:00, Grand Ballroom GHAB