Plan Your EclipseCon NA with the Conference App

March 3, 2016 | 2 min Read

EclipseCon North America is just around the corner, and the EclipseCon NA 2016 app has finally arrived to help you make the best of the conference!

Update: A Windows app is now also available:

The app makes it really easy to explore the conference program and build your personal schedule.

Here is what you can do:

  • Browse all sessions and speakers by track or time
  • Create your personalized session schedule that has breaks and general program predefined
  • Access all info offline
  • Find your way around with the conference floor plan
  • Give feedback and vote for the best talk!

A look behind the scenes

EclipseCon NA 2016 apps for iOS, Android and Windows have been built with Tabris.js from a single JavaScript code base. Each app uses native controls to provide users with great performance and usability. The apps differ in some navigation and layout aspects to cater the differences in best practices, e.g. Tabfolder versus Burger-Menu for main navigation (see screenshots above).

If you would like to learn how this can be done with just JavaScript code have a look at the sources, which are available under an Open Source License on GitHub. Feel free to use the project as a template for your own conference apps. The app already supports the data formats used by Google IO and EclipseCon.

Thanks to the Eclipse Foundation for providing access to the data and great feedback. Special thanks to Christian Petrov from the Tabris team for his exceptional work on the project. We hope that you find the app useful, and have a great time at EclipseCon!