A new era of managing Eclipse installations has begun

May 11, 2010 | 2 min Read

Back in the old days, maintaining an Eclipse installation was easy. You just downloaded the Eclipse; it included the JDK and you used this Eclipse on all your workspaces.

But the number of useful plug-ins increased, and many are not included in the downloads from eclipse.org. Developers use different plug-ins in different workspace. For some developers, this leads to as many Eclipse installations as workspaces. Others capitulated and just don’t use many plug-ins even though they see their value; but managing the installations is just too hard. Others again have one huge installation that includes about everything for all the workspaces, and they too have pain with plug-in dependencies. They all suffer from plug-in dependencies.

Imagine you had a system where each plug-in you use is downloaded just once and reused whenever you need it for a new Eclipse IDE.

Yoxos 5 provides that.

Imagine you could just start your workspace and your IDE starts up including all plug-ins you want to work with in that workspace. If it is a new workspace you’d have automatically adjusted predefined settings, import projects etc.

Yoxos 5 excels at that.

Yoxos 5 unifies the workspace settings and its IDE description in a Yoxos Profile. A Yoxos Profile can be defined in a .yoxos file. The Yoxos Launcher creates Yoxos Profiles and starts them, for example when double-clicking the .yoxos file. Plug-ins are downloaded to the bundle pool and started only if the profile includes them.

Yoxos 5 is now in beta phase. You can try it out now:

  • Download and install the Yoxos Launcher
  • Download and start one of the sample profiles (further down at the download page)

Get more information at /yoxos5